How to Leverage Your Leadership Skills in a Busy Workplace

Overwhelmed with all these endless meetings?  Frustrated with all the complexity and delays around communicating with your boss, your colleagues, your team? 

These times are challenging for everyone. And even though there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to solving all these challenges, here are a few steps you can take to gain greater clarity and confidence when communicating with others and trying to get things done. 

  • Remind yourself of why you’re here.  What do I bring to the table?  What are the skills and expertise that I contribute to the organization? What are my gifts and talents? It’s easy to lose sight of this, so once in a while, remind yourself of what has brought you here. 
  • Be mindful of people’s time. Too many meetings are disorganized and end up wasting people’s energy. If you’re chairing a meeting, ask yourself if it’s necessary, whether it requires everyone to be present, and think of what you want to achieve by the end of it.  The clearer you are, the better. 
  • Listen carefully. So many misunderstandings and repetitive actions could be prevented if we simply listened with our full attention.  Breathe and try and bring your intention to the other person so you can identify those essential key messages. 
  • Ask questions.  I remember once being told “there’s no such thing as a stupid question.” Questions galvanize people into viewing things differently and spark solution-oriented thinking. If you want to be a great leader and communicator,  ask thought-provoking questions!
  • Set time aside for yourself.  In times where everything seems urgent, it’s paramount to set healthy boundaries.  Schedule breaks in your agenda, set the timer and force yourself to get up, take a walk, or even close your eyes and meditate.  If you believe you don’t deserve 10-15 minutes to yourself, remember how a rested mind is beneficial to you, your family and your organization. 

Being a leader doesn’t have to be difficult. With a few simple tools and a slight shift in your mindset, you can really make a difference in the way you communicate and influence others. Even when it’s busy. 

If you’re looking to identify your challenges, uncover your leadership potential and  gain more confidence, or if you simply need support in a time of great vulnerability and upheaval – then Coaching is something I invite you to explore. 

To book an appointment, please contact me at or 613-447-6428.